Pura Buena Onda Blog

La tarea opcional de esta semana es escoger 3 palabras (un sustantivo, un adjetivo y un verbo) y escribir 5 o 6 pistas que describan la palabra. La próxima semana pueden compartirlos con la clase.

La tarea extra de la semana * para los que quieran más tarea * es terminar el capítulo 17, Nouns & Articles, en “Complete Spanish Grammar” de McGraw Hill, de la serie Practice Makes Perfect. Les recomendamos leer las páginas 219 y 220 y hacer los ejercicios 17.24 y 17.25.


Hola chicos,

¿Qué onda con Uds.?  Espero que todos estén bien.


Students often ask what they need to improve to move into the next level.

Here is a list of the things your teachers take into consideration:

  • Comprehension: When asked a question, do you answer that question or a different one?
  • Vocabulary: Do you have the vocabulary that is common for that level?
  • Grammar: Do you use the tenses necessary to move into the next level, etc.?  
  • Overall accuracy: Gender, conjugations, correct vocabulary, etc.
  • Fluidity: How well are you able to get your point across.
  • Speed: How quickly are you able to get the words out.
  • Conversations skills: How well you are able to work around vocabulary that you are not familiar with.
  • English: How much English you are mixing in with your Spanish.
  • Confidence: Are you the type of student that is afraid to say something for fear of making a mistake?
  • Participation: Are you actively participating in class or does the teacher need to ask all the questions to get you speaking?  Are you doing the optional homework?  Are you engaging with other students?


So these are all the points that we consider before moving a student into the next level.  If you fit the bill for 8 of the 10 points, you are ready for the next level in most cases.  


If you ever want to know where you are at, PBO does offer detailed evaluations ($30) and mini-evaluations ($20).  You can also just ask your teacher what you need to work on, at any time.


Do you know what your biggest strengths and weaknesses are in Spanish?



Congratulations to the following students for completing 33% of the 90-Day Spanish Bootcamp:

A1: Chrystal M, Jean E, Rechelle M

A2: Lizzie S

B1: Bill S

B1.5: Melanie T; Stephanie C

B2: Carol S, Roxie H

B2.5: Eva M

B3: Carolina F

C1: Stephany F

Private Classes: Joy B, Lisa O


When we asked our students what motivated them to take this 90 day challenge,

this is what they said:

I have struggled to learn Spanish and needed this boost to help me stay on track.
Quiero practicar lo más que puedo antes de ir a Merida, Mexico por tres semanas, incluso dos semanas de inmersión. Necesito algo con estructura como el Bootcamp para hacerme practicar más que lo usual.
Mi motivación es aprender algo nuevo. El español es hermoso y útil. Gracias por la oportunidad.
Quiero avanzar mas rápido con mi reto aprender español.
Personally, I want to improve my spanish fluency, hence the more time I put in…the closer I am to achieving my goal.
Increased consistency with the daily FB responses.
Fluencia es una meta de mi vida y necesito dedicar mas tiempo lograr este
El empujón es una diversión muy buena. Y, lo ayuda con me se enfocar. También, espero a obtener un nivel nuevo al término de bootcamp
Yo quiero mejorar más rápido y me gusta el reto de Bootcamp.
Estoy motivada por el deseo para mejorar mi español y me doy cuenta de que la consistencia es una buena manera de hacerlo.
Para mejorar mi capacidad de hablar español
I’ve been very busy lately and have not made Spanish a priority so this helps me to do so.
This week my motivation was because I signed up for it. In general, I wanted to push myself a bit more and maintain some of the progress I made while traveling.
Para mejorar, por supuesto! :)
I want to get better at communicating with others. The bootcamp is motivating me to overcome the fear and try!


¡Felicidades chicos! Ya completaron 1/3 del reto :)  ¡Bien hecho!




La tarea opcional de esta semana es escribir un párrafo acerca de alguna experiencia que hayas tenido  durante un verano en el pasado.  El párrafo no debe tener menos de 5 oraciones y no más de 10.  Para los atrevidos, en vez de escribirlo, les recomendamos grabarlo.  La próxima semana pueden compartir sus experiencias escritas o grabadas con el grupo.

(La tarea extra de la semana * para los que quieran más tarea * es seguir con el capítulo 17, Nouns & Articles, en “Complete Spanish Grammar” de McGraw Hill, de la serie Practice Makes Perfect.  Les recomendamos leer las páginas 217 y 218  y hacer los ejercicios 17.21 a 17.23)

Congratulations to our 16 remaining 90-Day Spanish Bootcamp participants!  Everyone made it this week!

When we asked them how they have managed to get everything done on super busy days, this is what they told us:

He hecho esto una prioridad y yo trato hacer los requisitos temprano en el día.
A reminder on my daily calendar keeps me on track. Some days I hit “snooze” for an hour, but I always reply to the FB conversation before the afternoon.
I have a routine, I do the daily conversation every morning and I watch a video in the evening
Yo estudio mi español por viente minutos cada día en la mañana .
Hago la conversación del día tan pronto como levantarme. Empezar mi día con esta conversación me hace ponerme la atención en practicar el español todo el día. También asegura que solamente tengo una cosa más por hacer cada día para continuar en el Bootcamp, y eso es fácil.
Listen to Spanish in the car, get assignments done early in the day
Para mi es importante empezó mi día con mis obligaciones de español. Después de que comience el día de trabajo es difícil suguir con mis planes personales.
My go to for busy days is to listen to a spanish podcast several times while I cook, clean, or drive. When I listen a couple times, I catch things I didn’t hear the first time.
Sí, tenía muchos días duros esta semana pero, he cumplido todos los requisitos
a schedule y mis amigos en mexico son mucho ayuda
Tengo una rutina todos los dias . Espanol es mi prioidad y a veces otra cosas no hicieron. (and sometimes other things do not get done!)

Hago mi tarea temprano en la mañana.


We also received this comment:

My favorite bootcamp-related listening was watching “Pet’s Life” in spanish. It’s a cute story and the dubbed Spanish pet voices were well done :)

There you have it!  These 16 participants have made it through the most challenging part of the Bootcamp, the 1st 3 weeks when it tends to feel overwhelming!  ¡Felicidades a Chrystal, Melanie, Lizzie, Stephanie C., Jean, Joy B., Carolina F., Bill, Chris S., Lisa O., Roxie, Eva, Rechelle, Carol & Stephany!

How many hours does it take to become an expert in Spanish or otherwise?


I recently read the book The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.  If you’re interested in cultural anthropology, you may find this book as fascinating as I did.


According to the author it takes about 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything.  He backs up his theory with numerous stories, but the one about the Beatles I found most interesting.  Here is an excerpt from his book:


The Beatles ended up travelling to Hamburg five times between 1960 and the end of 1962. On the first trip, they played 106 nights, of five or more hours a night. Their second trip they played 92 times. Their third trip they played 48 times, for a total of 172 hours on stage. The last two Hamburg stints, in November and December 1962, involved another 90 hours of performing. All told, they performed for 270 nights in just over a year and a half. By the time they had their first burst of success in 1964, they had performed live an estimated 1,200 times, which is extraordinary. Most bands today don’t perform 1,200 times in their entire careers. The Hamburg crucible is what set the Beatles apart.


As he states in his book, the Beatles had their success after Hamburg, after completing their 10,000 hours.


So how does this relate to you?

Well, here you are, learning a language.  So many language learners say things like “I’ve been studying for 2 years, I should be fluent by now.”  This is absolutely not the case.  Yes, some people have a natural ability for languages and advance faster than others, but the majority of students who move up quickly are the ones that put in the time.  

One of our students, just moved up a level for the 2nd time in less than a year.  This is not common.  But I was looking at his profile and he has been to class 119 times in 10 months (he has the unlimited package).  Most students average about 30-35 classes in 10 months.  He has put in the time, therefore is reaping the rewards faster than most.  


So what does this mean for you?  I would say one of two things:

1 – If learning Spanish is your goal, be patient…as you put in more hours, you will continue to improve.  Enjoy the process and know that every time you practice, even for 5 minutes, you are adding to your 10,000 hours.  You WILL get there; it’s just a matter of time!

2 – If learning Spanish quickly is your goal, putting in more time will help you achieve that.  The more you practice your Spanish, the faster you will advance.  It’s quite simple really.


Do you feel like you’re moving at the right pace in comparison to the number of hours you dedicate to learning Spanish?




La tarea opcional de esta semana es echarle un vistazo a la página de Pinterest de Pura Buena Onda y traer una foto o copia de 3 cosas que te gustaron. Puede ser un chiste, un nuevo recurso que encontraste, un meme ridículo, lo que te llame la atención.  PBO’s Pinterest page

(La tarea extra de la semana para los que quieran más tarea es comenzar la segunda parte del capítulo 17, Nouns & Articles, en “Complete Spanish Grammar” de McGraw Hill, de la serie Practice Makes Perfect. Les recomendamos leer las páginas 215 y 216 y hacer los ejercicios 17.18 a 17.20)


Weekly Tip: Learn from your mistakes!

As you all know by now, making mistakes is part of the process of learning a language. As a matter of fact, we encourage you to put it all out there and make as many as needed. However, we assume that you want to improve your Spanish, which means learning from them.

Here are a few tips on how to do that:
– When someone corrects you, before continuing with what you were saying, stop and repeat what you said, but this time correctly. If you just nod and keep going, you will not learn from it.
– Write corrections down. You can write it incorrectly and then correctly, but all you really need is the correction.
– Review your corrections after class and if you can, write out a few sentences using said correction.

One thing to note is that it takes between 12 – 20 times (on average 16-17) to learn something new. So if you’re corrected 5x for the same mistake, don’t think that you’re not learning. As a matter of fact, if you realize that you’ve been corrected before on the same thing, you are making progress.

So put it all out there, do not be afraid to make mistakes, but make sure that you’re taking the opportunity to learn from them!


Congratulations to the following students who made it through the first 2 weeks of Spanish Bootcamp!

Luckily we only lost 2 students this week!


A1: Chrystal M, Jean E, Rechelle M

A2: Chris S, Lizzie S

B1: Bill S

B1.5: Melanie T, Stephanie C

B2: Carol S, Roxie H

B2.5: Eva M

B3: Carolina F, Stephany F

Private Classes: Joy B, Lisa O, Rebecca H


When we asked the students if they had any tips for the other participants to help them get through the Bootcamp, this is what they said:


Piensen de solamente un día a la vez porque 90 días pueden parecer como para siempre. Creo que ayuda tener una hora específica cuando hago la conversación de FB. Para mí es la madrugada.
A schedule helps. Also, keep car radio tuned to radio Latina.
Yo tengo un horario para confirmar yo he terminado todo los requisitos cada día.
Put it on your schedule so that you make it happen !
Plan it as part of the daily routine.
Get a daily routine, for example Facebook at 8am, watch a video 8pm
Listen to podcasts in the car in the morning. hard to get the listening portion done in the evening under time pressure.
I have been talking to myself in Spanish a lot to complete my 20 minutes. Talking is my weakness, and even though I know talking to myself is not quite as effective as an actual conversation, it still gets me talking for extended periods of time and doesn’t require me to move my schedule around, which is very busy at the moment. Plus, I can already tell it is helping me improve and it keeps me in the bootcamp and practicing every day!
Hago mi tarea la primera hora de la mañana
Me gusta leer Historias de Duolingo. Aqui es el enlace:


Intercambio de idioma por Italki me ayada mucho tambien.


Congratulations to you all!  You are ⅔ of the way to forming a new habit.  Just hang in there this week and it should be smooth sailing from here on out.  You are doing so well and should be so proud of yourselves :)



La tarea opcional de esta semana es escribir 4 preguntas de conversación para la clase, usando uno de los tiempos compuestos del indicativo diferente para cada una.  Por ejemplo: ¿Has viajado a Italia? – ¿Habías tomado clases de español antes de PBO? – ¿Habrás tomado vacaciones antes de que termine el verano? – ¿Qué habrías hecho hoy si no hubieras venido a clase?

(La tarea extra de la semana * para los que quieran más tarea * es terminar el capítulo 11, Compound Tenses: the future perfect and the conditional perfect, en “Complete Spanish Grammar” de McGraw Hill, de la serie Practice Makes Perfect.  Les recomendamos leer las páginas 125 a 128  y hacer los ejercicios 11.12 a 11.15)