Does it have to be all or nothing?

A student this week mentioned that he has been feeling guilty for not working on his Spanish over the holidays, and confessed that he considered not continuing his classes because of his inability to spend a lot of time outside of class studying.

This student is one of many who confesses the same exact thing throughout the year. He is absolutely not alone in the way that he feels and in his thought process.

So let me ask you a few questions – a or b?

a – to not exercise at all, because you can’t make it to the gym five days a week like you would like, and be about as strong as a 5 year old?
b – or to exercise once or twice a week consistently, and ramp it up when time allows?

a – to stop eating veggies, eat McDonalds instead because it’s too hard to eat healthy 24/7, and end up looking like Jabba the Hutt?
b – or to eat well the majority of the time, knowing that a few times a week/month you will eat some unhealthy or fattening foods because that’s life?

a – to stop practicing Spanish altogether because you can’t practice every day as would be ideal, therefore not making any progress long term?
b – or coming to class once a week and doing the homework any time that you’re able to do so, and slowly but surely making progress?

Need I say more?


La tarea opcional para el 29 de enero al 3 de febrero del 2018


Esta semana la tarea es elegir un latinoamericano famoso y traer 10 datos acerca de esa persona a clase la próxima semana.  Para que nadie elijiera a la misma persona, cada uno escogió una categoría en clase.  Pudieron escoger entre: un político, un escritor, un cantante, un artista, un criminal, un actor, un atleta o un activista.  

Para los que les interesa hacer más tarea, pueden empezar el capítulo 3 Ser and estar en  Complete Spanish Grammar de McGraw Hill, de la serie Practice Makes Perfect.  Les recomendamos leer las páginas 28 a 31 y hacer los ejercicios 3.1 a 3.3.

Remember your level!


Spanish students often forget their language level when they’re speaking, which is something important to take into account.

Remember that if you’re in a lower level and trying to explain something very complicated, ask yourself “How can I make this more simple?”  You still want to tell the story, but there are often ways to simplify it to make it more level-friendly.

If you’re in a higher level trying to explain something complicated, don’t give up!  Find other words that you can use, ask for help, consult a dictionary, etc., but if you don’t make the effort, how will you ever get better at explaining complicated subjects?

The most important point is to stay in Spanish (no pic Inglich) and to tell the story in words you already know or can explain.  As you continue on your Spanish learning journey your stories will include more detail and more sophisticated vocabulary & concepts.  Poco a poco chicos…


Cada semana les daremos una tarea opcional.  Si quieren mejorar de manera más rápida, les recomendamos hacerla.  

Esta semana la tarea es hacer una lista de sus metas con el español para este año, cómo las van a alcanzar, y luego grabarlo.  La próxima semana van a compartir sus grabaciones con la clase.

También les vamos a pedir que escojan 3 temas de los que les interesaría conversar este año.  Tenemos un documento dónde pueden anotar sus temas: 3 temas de los que me gustaría conversar en el 2018

Para los que les interesa hacer más tarea, les recomendamos comprar la tercera edición del libro Complete Spanish Grammarde McGraw Hill, de la serie Practice Makes Perfect.  Lo pueden encontrar en Barnes & Noble o en Amazon.  Cuando empecemos con las mini-lecciones de gramática les recomendaremos más tareas de este libro, para los que las quieran hacer.


Pura Buena Onda is excited to be back after the holiday break!  

We would like to extend a huge welcome to our new students and to our amazing returning students!  

We are so happy to have you with us :)


Every week I like to share a brief blog post with you, to help you in some way, on your Spanish language learning journey.  


Today I would like to stress the importance of making your class time count.

What do I mean by that you might be asking yourself?  This is what I am referring to…

  • Be present, this is the time you set aside for Spanish, nothing else
  • Be a good active listener, meaning that when someone else is sharing you are listening, not formulating your next sentence
  • Participate, share, ask questions of the other students, interact
  • Repeat corrections so that you can learn from your mistakes; your goal is to improve your Spanish, right?
  • Take notes so that you can review them later


We do recommend doing the “optional homework” every week.  

We do recommend attending our social club events.  

We do recommend coming to our workshops.  

We recommend a lot of things, but if none of those work for you, you can at least make the time in class really count.


Besitos a todos,

¡Buenos días estudiantes de Pura Buena Onda!

Please take a moment to tell us what conversation topics you would like to talk about in 2018.

Please remember that these are topic of conversation, not lessons.  In other words, “medical terminology” is not a conversation topic, it is a lesson, however, a conversation topic related to medical terminology might be “diseases that run in your family.”

Conversation Topics Survey
