Pura Buena Onda Blog.

Spanish news article

La tarea opcional de esta semana es leer un artículo en español.  La semana que viene nos van a contar de qué se trata, pero no van a leer el artículo en frente de la clase.  El punto de la tarea es practicar el español, no necesariamente entender todo-todito-todo. Para los que les interesa hacer […]

Two people doing plank

Working out vs. Learning Spanish This week I had a conversation with a potential student that made me think about how much learning a language is like working out. The student asked me if he could come to class every 3 to 4 weeks, because of his busy work schedule. The reality is that anyone […]

Coco movie

La tarea opcional para la semana del 30 de abril al 6 de mayo del 2018 La tarea opcional de esta semana es ver una película o un episodio de un programa en español.  La semana que viene nos van a contar lo que vieron. Si ponen subtítulos recuerden ponerlos en español, no en inglés. […]

Don't give up - great things take time quote

Sick of always being a beginner in Spanish?   Will I ever move past being a beginner in Spanish? I would guess that I talk to 3 to 5 people every week that have been studying Spanish on and off for 10-20 years, who have never gotten past the beginner stage. If this is you, […]


Esta semana, queremos que escriban 5 frases usando fracciones.  Por ejemplo: “Me comí dos tercios de la bolsa de papitas” o “Me queda menos de un cuarto de bencina (gasolina) en el auto”. Para los que les interesa hacer más tarea, pueden empezar el capítulo 24 “Indefinite & negative words and expressions” en  “Complete Spanish […]

3 beds

How to set the right size goal with native Spanish speakers   Every week I speak with students who have a Spanish-speaking significant other/coworker/friend, and yet they do not practice their Spanish with them.  There are a myriad of reasons for this, but I feel that the most common mistake is setting too big a […]

People struggling at a meeting

La tarea opcional para el 16 al 21 de abril del 2018 Esta semana, queremos que escriban acerca de una conversación profunda o delicada que hayan tenido con alguien últimamente o que quieran tener con alguien pronto.  Por ejemplo, podría ser una conversación con tu hijo a quién le está yendo muy mal en la […]

Hola poop emoji

No time to practice your Spanish? Are you one of the many students that feels they do not have time to work on their Spanish outside of class, but want to practice? If that is you, here are 5 ways to practice your Spanish in five minutes or less per day: 1 – Listen to […]