Temas de conversación 2020
Every year we ask you what you would like to talk about in class this year.
The subjects would be related to conversation, not grammar.
For example: Presidential candidates, global warming, favorite authors, favorite book routes in SD, your relationship with your parents, what you like to do with your time off, etc.
Light or heavy, deep or superficial, it doesn’t matter…tell us, what topics would you like to talk about in class this year?
And please don’t say vacations or restaurants, because everyone says that :) Maybe be more specific (your worst vacation, the best restaurant experience you have ever had).
With all of your answers we will create a document that we will use all year long for interesting, thought-provoking or fun/silly conversation in class.
Please write your topics in Spanish. (If you’re not sure how to say it, look it up in wordreference.com and also write it in English so that it’s clear).
Gracias :)