Say this not that!
Hola chicos,
“Say this, not that” is back by request!
Here are a few:
Don’t say: un otro… (these words can’t go together – it’s like saying a another)
Say: otro…
Don’t say: Yo gusto… (In Spanish you are saying that something is pleasing to YOU, not that YOU like IT)
Say: (A mi) me gusta(n)…
Don’t say: La gente son… (in Spanish “gente” is one unit)
Say: La gente es…
Don’t say: Estoy caliente… when you’re hot (unless you’re horny)
Say: Tengo calor...
Don’t say: Me encanta mucho… (“encantar” is already “to love” and it sounds awkward to say “I love it a lot”)
Say: Me encanta o me gusta mucho…
Don’t say: Buscar por… (“buscar” means “to look for” so if you add the “por” it’s like saying “I look for for”)
Say: Buscar…
Don’t say: Voy a tomar mi perro al veterinario… (“tomar” is not used for taking people)
Say: Voy a llevar a mi perro…
Don’t say: Cuando llego a… (you must use the subjunctive after “cuando” when speaking of the future)
Say: Cuando llegue…
Ok chicos, that’s it for today. I hope you found those helpful :)