Recently added to Patreon

Recently added to Patreon:

Pura Conversación:

an interview with Carolina O., to help you improve listening comprehension

(part 1 of 3)

(part 2 of 3)

(part 3 of 3)

Mantequilla de maní y mermelada,

a story by María de los Ángeles, to help you improve listening comprehension

Perfecting the Preterit & Imperfect course: 

Week 10

Previously added to Patreon:

Please click on link below to see all the content that has been previously posted to Patreon.

Coming soon:

  1. Ejercicio para tu cuerpo y mente – #7 (exercise videos en español)
  2. Conjugation Grid: Imperative Mood
  3. Consejos con Caro: Tips on how to make the most of your Spanish learning journey
  4. Pura Conversación: Interviews with our teachers & other native speakers

You can access ALL of this, for only $20/month!

Thank you so much for your patronage!


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Click to see Patreon Quick links of everything we’ve ever posted!