5 reasons to come to Pura Buena Onda’s social club events
¡Hola a todos y a todas!
This week I’m going to give you five reasons to come to Pura Buena Onda’s social club events. If you have never been to one of them, this is why you should come:
1 – All the students from PBO are invited to join our social events. That means that you will meet people with different Spanish levels. This is a good thing, because the lower level students can learn from students who are more advanced, and the more advanced students can appreciate how far they have come.
In case you are a beginner, don’t worry! Just being there and listening will help you too. Besides, PBO students are very nice, and they help other students who are new to the language.
2 – A great number of students are afraid of using Spanish in the real world. The social events are a great way to get used to speaking to strangers.
The advantage is that you kind of know these strangers. Like you, they are also on their Spanish learning journey, and you can feel comfortable and less scared of making mistakes, since they have been through the same journey. Thanks to that, you will gradually get rid of the fear of speaking to native speakers outside of the classroom. So, you see, it’s like a rehearsal for the real world.
3 – The third out of the five reasons to come to Pura Buena Onda’s social club events is that while you are chatting with a certain person, you might find out their level. When that person is one level above you, listen very well. It is a fantastic opportunity to find out what you need to improve in order to move up to the next level.
4 – Since social club events take place outside of PBO, you choose how long you want to stay there. You can stay for 20 minutes, or for 3 hours. It is very flexible in that way. You can just come for a short time if you have a busy day, or stay the whole time and get many more hours of Spanish speaking practice in.
5 – The social club events are very diverse. It could be a potluck at someone’s house, a trip to Baja or a chance to bowl. Those different contexts enable students to talk about new topics, and to experience everything that Southern California & Baja has to offer.
Not only that! Since there’s no lesson plan whatsoever, people usually have multiple kinds of conversations, and switch constantly from a topic to another. That is an amazing and fun way to learn new vocabulary.
And one bonus reason…
Those were five reasons to come to Pura Buena Onda’s social club events, but I’m going to give you a 6th reason: PBO students are the coolest people on the planet!! People who want to learn a language are usually interesting, cultured, and open people, so apart from all the reasons why going to our social club events is good for your Spanish, it’s also an excellent opportunity to meet quality people with whom you have common interests.
Speaking of social events; we have one on Sunday! We hope to see you all there! Remember to sign up online…
Let us know in the comment section of our Facebook page what you think about the blog today. Also, feel free to add more reasons why people should join our social events.
Have a good weekend, queridos alumnos!