Mini-Lesson: week of 6/17

la mini-leccion




la mini-lección: connectors

Today we will take a look at a category of words that are very useful to connect sentences: the connectors.

There are many connectors, so we will focus on some of the most useful ones.

Además – Also, In addition, Besides

For example:

Además de mi trabajo hago trabajo voluntario.

(Besides my job I do volunteer work.)


Aunque – Although, Even though, Even if

For example:

Aunque hoy es domingo tengo que trabajar.

(Although today is Sunday, I have to work.)


Sin embargo – However

For example:

Me gusta ver la televisión; sin embargo prefiero leer.

(I like to watch tv; however, I prefer to read.)


Así que / por eso – So, That’s why

For example:

Ya no eres un niño, así que tienes que ser más responsable.

You’re not a kid anymore, so you need to be more responsible.)


Es decir / o sea – That is, In other words

For example:

Soy pescetariano; es decir, no como carne pero sí como pescado.

(I’m pescatarian; in other words, I don’t eat meat but I do eat fish.)


Por cierto / A propósito – By the way

For example:

Por cierto, ¿saben cuándo empieza la junta?

(By the way, do you know when the meeting starts?)


Actualmente – Currently

For example:

Actualmente tengo una mascota.

(I currently have a pet.)


De hecho / En realidad / En verdad – Actually

For example:

De hecho, creo que nos quedaremos en casa.

(Actually, I think we will stay home.)

porque and aunque + indicative or subjunctive

la mini-lección: porque & aunque 

Today we will take a look at 2 words that can be followed by either an indicative or a subjunctive verb, and how the meaning of the sentence changes.

Porque – Followed by the indicative if the cause introduced is real. 

Followed by the subjunctive if the cause introduced is false or not exactly true.

For example:

Aprendo español porque me interesa.

No aprendo español porque me interese, sino para mi trabajo.


Aunque – Followed by the indicative to announce something that we know is happening. 

It is a fact. 

The speaker has absolutely no doubt that what he is saying is true. 

It also implies that the speaker considers this information as new for the listener. 

He wants to make sure the listener is aware.

Followed by the subjunctive to downplay importance.

For example:

Aunque te quiero, tengo que decirte la verdad.

Aunque te quiera, prefiero escuchar mi corazón que a ti.