Pura Buena Onda Blog.

boton por favor hablame en espanol

¡Hola a todo el mundo! Welcome back to another entry of Pura Buena Onda’s blog! Last week I wrote about the importance of listening when we want to learn a language. Today, I’m going to talk about quite the opposite: speaking, the key to learning a language. At Pura Buena Onda we always say that […]

mano al lado del oido

Hola queridos alumnos y alumnas: Today I’d like to talk about a very important underestimated language learning skill. Drum roll please…can you guess? It is L I S T E N I N G! In my experience, people who like to talk a lot, but don’t listen, need to spend more time improving their listening […]

La tarea opcional de esta semana es escribir 10 cosas que hacías o podías hacer en el pasado que ahora no haces o no puedes hacer. Por ejemplo: Antes comía una dona cada día. Antes podía dormir 12 horas sin problema. Para los que les interese hacer más tarea: continúen con el capítulo 14 “The […]

La tarea opcional de esta semana es escribir 5 cosas sobre la vida de tu actor favorito o actriz favorita usando el pretérito. Por ejemplo: Meryl Streep nació el 22 de junio de 1949. Debutó con la obra de teatro The playboy of Seville en 1971. Etc…   Para los que les interese hacer más […]

town plaza latin america

¿Cómo están todos? In last week’s blog about immersion programs, I mentioned some things that should to be considered before picking a destination. Today we are going to look at things that are important once you are in a school. Here are some tips on how to have a worthwhile Spanish immersion experience! First of […]

La tarea opcional de esta semana es escribir un párrafo con la trama de una serie o de un programa que estás viendo estos días, con un mínimo de cinco frases.   Para los que les interese hacer más tarea: Terminen el capítulo 13 “The preterite tense” en Spanish Verb Tenses de la serie Practice […]

Spanish Language school

¡Hola, chicos y chicas! Have you learnt a lot of Spanish this week? Are you perhaps thinking that you would like to give a boost to your Spanish and take it to the next level? If that’s the case, I recommend you try out a Spanish immersion program abroad. In fact, today’s blog is going […]

man with spanish dude written above head

¡Hola a todos! I hope you’ve had a great week :)   Today PBO teachers Lorena and Daniela recommend resources to learn Spanish! Remember that many of the resources we tell you about target different Spanish student levels, so make sure you pick one that’s appropriate for you. These are the recommendations for this week: […]