Pura Buena Onda Blog.

6 friends talking at picnic table

Please tell us what conversation topics you would like to chat about in class this year! They should be conversation topics, not grammar topics. For example: Your neighborhood, your childhood, immigration, local news, what you like to do on the weekends, your favorite sport, the wall, etc. https://goo.gl/forms/12j2NZVQLOF85jay2 Gracias :)

4 Caga Tíos

Beating the presents out of the Shit Log. Yep. It’s a thing. Hola, estimados alumnos :) This week we’re going to take a break from common mistakes. Christmas is around the corner and I want to take this chance to let you know about a Catalan tradition that’s pretty weird and many of you might […]

oreja de mujer con un tapón en el oído

La tarea opcional de esta semana es elegir un objeto que tengan y escribir una o dos frases con POR y PARA en relación a ese objeto. Por ejemplo: Tengo unos tapones de oídos en la mesita de noche. Los uso POR la noche PARA dormir.     Para los que les interese hacer más […]

homer simpson with oops bubble above his head

Common errors made by Spanish language learners ¿Cómo están hoy? Espero que bien :) During the past two weeks you have actively and positively responded to the blogs about common errors made by Spanish language learners. You have expressed how much you like to see this kind of topic, and I can’t deny the students […]

para on grey paper

La tarea opcional de esta semana es escribir 5 opiniones con PARA. Les recomiendo que no se limiten a decir “Para mí…”. Por ejemplo, pueden decir: Para los españoles, la comida es una parte importante de la vida. Para mi padre, es importante hacer ejercicio cada mañana.   Para los que les interese hacer más […]

oops sign

5 more common errors made by Spanish learners   Hola a todos :) A couple of weeks ago I received some positive feedback about the blog regarding some of the common mistakes students make when they speak Spanish. By popular demand, this week we’ll look at more common mistakes that people who learn Spanish make: […]

uses of por para in columns

La tarea opcional de esta semana es: Escribir 4 cosas que haces POR alguien y 4 cosas que haces PARA alguien. Por ejemplo: Me mudé a Estados Unidos POR mi esposo. En Halloween compré dulces PARA los niños.     Para los que les interese hacer más tarea, terminen el capítulo 23 “Prepositions” en  “Complete […]

wrong way signs

Common errors made by Spanish learners Hola, estimados alumn@s :) This week I’d like to talk about some errors that most students make. These erros are very common, because they are caused by the fact that English is the mother tongue of most of the Spanish learners that come to PBO. The problem is that […]